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バークリー音楽大学 パフォーマンス科卒業



幼少期よりピアノを習い、同時に父親の影響でQueen、Oasis、The Beatlesなどのロックや、Corinne Bailey Rae、Mariah CareyなどのR&B、ソウルに親しむ。




高校卒業後、甲陽音楽学院に進学し、奨学生として音楽を本格的に学ぶ。 在学中から東海地方を中心に精力的に演奏活動を行う。R&B、ファンク、ブルース、ジャズ、歌謡曲等の多様なアンサンブル、セッションに参加し研鑽を積む。


2015年9月よりバークリー音楽大学へ奨学金を得て進学、Lincoln Goines、Anthony Vittiらに師事。アメリカ国内外のミュージシャンと共に様々なレコーディング、セッションに参加する。


北條 弘大

Kodai Hojo is a bassist, producer, and teacher based in Boston and working internationally.


Equally at home on stage or in the studio, Kodai provides his experience and skills to a wide array of artists in various genres. He’s a respected session bassist and the first call for many top producers around the world, working often for labels such as Universal.


Kodai grew up with a love for British Rock music as well as American Soul & Motown. These influences shaped his playing style, even as he moved to studying Jazz and Classical music.


After he graduated high school, he received a scholarship to Koyo Conservatory to study music theory and bass. He then transferred to Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA. It was at Berklee that Kodai’s interest in music production sparked, and he took advantage of the state of the art facilities at the school. Working with many students and teachers from around the world, including Lincoln Goines and Anthony Vitti, exposed Kodai to new ideas and musical traditions, helping to further expand his voice as a musician.

Kodai Hojo
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